Hydraulics used with superior components with good maintenance is the key to doing more work daily and to keeping the costs low. Today's equipment requires a large number of hydraulics systems to operate. Therefore, the selection of good hydraulics equipment is important. We work with hydraulics daily. As product experts, we can help you make the best decisions.
How Good is Caterpillar Hydraulics?
Longer lifetime
Higher efficiency
Extended oil change intervals
Reduce service costs and unplanned downtime
Can be used to with a wide range of machines
Advantages and Advantages of Cat® Host
Cat® XT host
High abrasion resistant finish
20 times more abrasion resistant than the SAE standard
Unrivaled flexibility even in cold temperatures
Compact design (½ SAE standard bend radius)
Low force to bend.
Cat®ToughGuard host
Designed for harsh scrubbing.
Tested 2 million cycles without fail.
Use at high, medium and low pressure applications.
Do not use plastic or nylon to cover the cable.
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